Gomedh, called Hessonite in English, is a semi-precious gemstone in Vedic astrology. People wear the Gomed Ratna to benefit from Rahu-related issues. Thus, it is also called Rahu stone. However, the common question that comes to mind is, “How long does it take for Gomedh to show results?”
Understanding the time frame is important to analyze whether the stone is working or not. Thus, one can take an immediate step to enhance its effectiveness or change the stone. In this blog, we will discuss the effectiveness of hessonite stone and the time frame in which it gives better results.
Gomedhikam Ratna belongs to the Garnet family. It features a deep brownish-yellow to maroon color. These gems are found worldwide. Sri Lankan Hessonite stone is considered the best variety and, in Vedic astrology, is linked to the planet Rahu. Gomedh stone benefits the wearer by enhancing mental clarity, improving focus, and removing negative energy.
Read Here: Gomed Stone for Which Planet
It is believed that gemstones work only when worn by suitable zodiac sign people. The same rule is followed for this Rahu stone. The powerful energy of Hessonite garnet is compatible with rashes such as Taurus(Vrishabh), Aquarius(Kumbh), Gemini(Mithun), and Libra(Tula). Other than these, Rashis Gomed stone can be worn by:
Individuals who are going through Rahu Mahadasha (the 18-year-long period when Rahu influences your birth chart).
Rahu in the birth chart is the lord of good house and is situated in Trikon or Kendra.
Also read: Rahu’s Power: The Planet That Brings Unexpected Wealth
Generally, it takes 5-10 days for Gomed stone to work. However, many factors influence its effectiveness. Let's know:
Quality is the main factor in identifying whether your stone is working or not. Natural gems show effectiveness in no time, whereas treated, synthetic, and lab-created gemstones are considered ineffective in Vedic astrology.
Untreated Gomedhikam stone possesses powerful energy that resonates around the wearer’s body. Thus, one should wear natural hessonite only for effective results.
Also Know: Why is Astrological Advice a Must to Wear Rahu and Ketu Gemstones?
Gomed stone works within its time frame if it is worn with an astrologer’s advice. Consulting an astrologer helps you understand why one is recommended for a specific stone. When one should wear a Rahu stone:
If Rahu is not in the 6th. 8th, 2nd, and 12th house of the birthchart.
If Rahu planet is not with other planets such as Surya, Mangal, Guru, and Moon.
Read Here: Who Should Not Wear Hessonite Stone?
Wearing hessonite stone correctly is important as it impacts its working. Each gemstone has a set of rules, and one should adhere to them. For instance, Gomed stone wearing time and day is Saturday evening.
One must wear this Rahu stone only on this day and time to ensure that it works within 5 days. Activate Hessonite by chanting the mantra “Om Ram Rahave Namah.” This mantra gives power to the stone, allowing it to work effectively on life events. Not less than 6.25 Ratti Gomedhikam stone is advisable for effective, timely results. Read Here: Rules for Wearing Hessonite Stone
Gemstone’s working depends upon the individual's energy also. In Vedic astrology, the stone should be in close contact with the wearer. The energy of the human body and the gemstone interact and influence the wearer’s life. Thus, if the Gomedh Ratna is not working, one must check whether the stone is touching the skin.
Some people prefer wearing a hessonite pendant or bracelet. But astrologically, it is advised to wear a gomed stone ring. This is because a ring is the best jewelry form that touches your skin directly. Thus maintaining the energy field within the wearer and the gemstone.
Each gemstone works differently. They have different times to show results. Precious gemstones like yellow sapphire stone and emeralds show results in 2-3 days. Powerful gemstones like Neelam show their effect within a day. Let's see how much time it takes to work:
There is no fixed time frame in which stones show results. So, a Hessonite stone ring can show immediate effects within a day if it is natural and worn with proper rituals. One can see the initial signs of Gomedh stone working if you have reduced stress and anxiety.
Since an ill-placed Rahu impacts you mentally and physically, wearing a Gomedhikam stone benefits your overall well-being.
A Gomed stone ring can also give results in 1-3 months. Gemstones change destiny, but some miracles take time to happen. Some life problems, such as financial and job stability, are resolved with time.
Thus, one should have patience and constant belief in the power of gemstones. Hessonite stone benefits the person by enhancing the positive aspects of Rahu. One such aspect is the immense wealth that this planet is known for.
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Individuals who want long-term benefits should wear the Gomedhikam stone regularly. Do not remove the stone even if you have got relief from your problems. This is because the power of gemstones remains with you for long. However, it is to be noted that gemstones lose power after a certain time.
The lifespan of Gomed stone is 4 years, and it should be replaced with a new one after that. It is also advisable to chant the Rahu mantra “Om Ram Rahave Namah” after wearing the stone. This will keep increasing the power of the stone.
Wear it in the right Finger: The correct finger for wearing a hessonite stone ring is the middle finger.
Right Metal: Panchdhatu is the correct metal for the Rahu stone ring. It is not advisable to wear Gomed in gold. This is because gold is ruled by the Sun, which is called “shubh graha” in Vedic astrology. Rahu, on the other hand, is a “Kurup Graha,” and their energy is not compatible with each other.
Gemstone Combination: Pairing the right stone with Gomedhikam Ratna is important. You can wear a Blue sapphire stone with Gomedh. This gemstone combination is beneficial for gaining wealth and a good job. Also Read: Gemstones to Avoid Wearing with Gomed
If wearing Gomed brings professional success, marital happiness, and financial and health well-being, it suits you. On the contrary if the opposite happens one should remove the stone immediately and consult an astrologer again. It is also advisable to wear only natural gems. So, always buy natural Gomed stone from reputed gem dealers and get benefits in the desired time frame.
Why Should You Consult with Gemologists Before Wearing Gemstones?
February 15th, 2025