Alexandrite Stone

Alexandrite Stone is one of the unique kinds of gemstone in the whole gem world. Renowned for displaying an incredible transformation in the color, Alexandrite gemstone is said to be an emerald in the day while a ruby in the night. Alexandrite's price starts from INR 1 Lakh per carat to 10 lakh Per Carat plus in India.

Alexandrite is a very special variety of chrysoberyl stone. Alexandrite stone is famous for its remarkable ability to change color and display one of the most remarkable color changes in the gem world — appearing as green in sunlight and turning red-purple in incandescent light. But being so rare and expensive it is rarely seen as a natural alexandrite.

Alexandrite stone is known for its remarkable color-changing properties. This unique gemstone is known for exhibiting a green hue in sunlight and red in incandescent light. Alexandrite's birthstone is perfect for June month and is also the gemstone for the 55th wedding anniversary. A rare gem, this color-changing stone belongs to the Chrysoberyl family. Discovered in the Ural Mountains in 1830, the alexandrite gemstone gained fame for its unique blend of red and green colors. It was named after Alexander II, symbolising luck, fortune, and love. The chemistry behind the different colors flashing inside the gemstones is due to chromium's presence in this beautiful stone's crystal lattice.

This color-changing gemstone is perfect for the Gemini Zodiac sign. The gem stimulates decision-making skills and harnesses the energy of three elements of nature: air, water, and fire. Apart from Russia, the stone is also found in Sri Lanka, East Africa, Brazil, and Madagascar, and because of its unique properties, it has become popular amongst jewelry collectors. The Alexandrite jewelry is trending for its dramatic color-changing display and perfect hardness, making it a durable and suitable stone for jewelry. The intensity of color change, clarity, origin, cut, and carat weight govern the quality of natural alexandrite stone.

History of Alexandrite stone

Alexandrite crystal primarily drives two assortments. This exceptional variety of gemstone arena is known for exhibiting a sharp change in its color tone from just 5 to even 100 percent. Alexandrite is driven from other places brazil and russia, so alexandrite is called brazilian alexandrite, russian alexandrite In other simple words, it displays a gorgeous greenish-blue hue in the day’s sunlight whereas it is of lovely red or purplish to brownish shade in an incandescent or artificial yellow light .Alexandrite, a June birthstone, mesmerizes with its color-changing allure and rarity.

Alexandrite: Who should wear?

Alexandrite stone is associated with the planet Mercury. It is recommended to be worn by individuals with sun sign Cancer. Other than this, it can be worn by ascendants Gemini, Leo, Virgo, and Taurus. This birthstone of June is a powerful stone that helps offer the wearer physical and emotional balance. Who else can wear alexandrite stone:

  • An individual who wants to enhance their intellect, mental abilities, and decision power.
  • People are suffering from neurological disorders and chronic disorders.
  • Individuals facing tough challenges in their lives.
  • Alexandrite: How to wear?

    It is essential to wear any astrological gemstone with a proper procedure. This helps in gaining maximum benefits from the gems.

  • Alexandrite stone can we worn in any form of jewelry. Whether worn in a ring, necklace, bracelet, or earrings, astrologically, it must touch the skin.
  • As per Vedic astrology, a natural Alex stone ring should be worn on the little or ring finger of the right hand or left hand.
  • The gemstone should be studded in silver or Panchdhatu metal.
  • Healing Properties of Alexandrite Stone

    The member of the gem-quality Chrysoberyl mineral family, Alexandrite, is a June birthstone gem, worn especially under the Cancer Zodiac sign. Virgo, Leo, Gemini, and Taurus sign owners can also opt for an Alexandrite gem piece. It is regarded as the best gift for the 55th wedding anniversary.

    Although Alexandrite is considered as a modern-age gemstone, it is highly popular among gemstone collectors and jewelry lovers. It is astrologically one of the most relevant gemstones. On the metaphysical ground, natural Alexandrite holds exorbitantly healing powers and is hence majorly worn for soothing purposes, other than making an excellent jewelry stone. Owing to its high durability (Mohs Scale Hardness of 8.5) and fascinating color-changing effect, Alexandrite is highly preferred for making statement jewelry collections. Besides several serious medical healings like treating nervous disorders, Alexandrite is known for boosting creativity, intellectual powers, and promoting professional success.

    Quality Factors of Alexandrite Stone

    Clarity: Although it contains a few inclusions. The value of clean material with good colour change and powerful hues has increased dramatically. A high clarity rating increases the value of this particular one with a beautiful colour transition, such as this green-to-red-purple example.When certain types of long, thin inclusions are positioned parallel to each other, they can produce a phenomenon known as chatoyancy, or the cat's-eye effect, which raises the value of the gem. Cat's-eye alexandrite is highly uncommon, with amazing chatoyancy and colour variation.

    Cut: These are most typically cut into mixed cuts, which feature brilliant-cut crowns and step-cut pavilions. Step cuts have concentric rows of parallel facets, whereas brilliant Cuts have kite-shaped and triangulated ones that have a beautiful colour shift with vivid hues and very clear clarity.It has an oval mixed cut, which is typical of this real gem. Pleochroism makes cutting difficult. Cutters arrange natural alexandrite gemstones to display the strongest colour shift across the crown while fashioning it. It is critical to arrange the rough such that the finished stone displays both the purplish red and green pleochroic hues.

     Weight: The majority of these gems fashioned are tiny, weighing less than one carat. The cost of larger sizes and higher quality increases substantially. This 8.82-carat cushion-shaped cut has a pleasing colour shift. Its size is unusual for this stone.

    The Alexandrite Stone Source

    Russia is the most well-known source of this gem, this fine stone is green to blue-green, and in incandescent light, it is red to purple-red. It has a relatively high to strong colour saturation. Stones that are too light do not have the same level of colour intensity as fine-quality gemstones.Stones that are excessively dark lose their radiance and become practically black. Russian mine production is quite restricted today, which means that the intense, fine-colored stones they produced in bulk less than 200 years ago are considerably more difficult to find.

    Alexandrite Stones from different origin

    Sri Lankan stones are often bigger than their Russian counterparts, although their hues are less appealing. In comparison to the blue-green of Russian stones, the greens of Sri Lankan stones are yellowish, and the reds are brownish red rather than purplish red. This colour-changing natural stone has low saturation in both green and red, making it somewhat brownish and unappealing. This gem from Sri Lanka has a weak colour change, and its hues are brownish. Natural stones from Brazil have been discovered in hues comparable to those found in Russia, however, output from Brazil has dropped. Currently, the availability of these natural crystals is limited, and fine-colour material is quite rare.

    Alexandrite stone price

    Alexandrite stone is a valuable gemstone. It has alexandrite color-change properties. Alexandrite stone prices depend on size, color, clarity, cut, origin, carat, and color-change quality. Alexandrite stone prices start from $5000 to $15000. Sometimes alexandrite stone Prices go high according to color-changing quality, and weight.

    Alexandrite stone price per carat

    Alexandrite is a rare and high-value gemstone. It is so rare and expensive that very few people across the world have seen an authentic alexandrite gemstone piece. Besides weight, the cut, color, carat, and clarity are the major factors that influence the value of an alexandrite gemstone.

    Quick Gemstone Guide

    Q. What factors determine the price of alexandrite stone ?

    Ans. The alexandrite stone price is determined by the four C's: cut, carat weight, color, and clarity. The quality of the stone depends on the intensity of color change. The more intense the color, the higher the quality and price. A good symmetrical cut, high-carat weight, and flawless clarity define the stone's premium quality. The origin of the stone also plays an important role.

    Q. What is Alexandrite stone ?

    Ans. Alexandrite is a member of the chrysoberyl family, famous for its color-changing properties. The remarkable blend of colors, green hue in sunlight and red in incandescent light makes the stone look unique and unforgettable.

    Q. Where is Alexandrite found ?

    Ans. The origin of Alexandrite stone includes Russia, Sri Lanka, East Africa, Brazil, and Madagascar. The source of the stone governs the price of the gemstone. For instance, Sri Lankan alexandrite is of premium quality.

    Q. How should one care for and clean Alexandrite jewelry ?

    Ans. Clean the stone gently with warm, soapy water to care for your natural alexandrite rings, bracelets, necklaces, or earrings. Do not use harsh chemicals for cleaning. Use a soft brush to clean the surface gently.

    Q. Which month is considered best as an alexandrite birthstone ?

    Ans. Alexandrite stone is the birthstone for June. Along with this rare and color-changing gemstone, pearl and moonstone are the two other gems contributing as June birthstones.

    Q. What is the difference between lab-generated and real Alexandrite ?

    Ans. The difference between the lab-generated and natural alexandrite gemstones might not be physically visible as the former mimics the latter. The origin and price of the two stones are the prime factors of differentiation. Real alexandrite stone is obtained from the mines, occurring naturally under the earth's surface. The lab-generated alexandrite stones are produced in the laboratory under artificial conditions, unlike the natural stone formation.

    Q. Is Alexandrite perfect for everyday wear ?

    Ans. Yes, Alexandrite gemstone is perfect for everyday wear. The hardness of this stone is 8.5, which makes it more durable and scratch-resistant.

    Q. What is the alexandrite stone price in India ?

    Ans. The Alex stone price is governed by cut, clarity, carat size, and color. The more the color intensity of the stone, the higher its costs are. The high carat weight, eye-clean inclusions, and precisely cut gemstones impact their price.

    Q. Care and Cleaning of Alexandrite Stone ?

    Ans. Caring for Alexandrite jewelry or stone is essential as it helps in maintaining the shine and durability for a long time. The best way to clean this rare gemstone is by washing it in warm, soapy water and then wiping it with a clean, soft cloth. An ultrasonic or steam cleaner can be used for an extraordinary finish.

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