Emerald vs Jade: Which is The Right Pick?

Posted on April 12th, 2023 05:23 PM

Emerald and Jade are two of the most fascinating gemstones with utterly exquisite appearance, humongous popularity among gemstone lovers, and a myriad of astrological and spiritual benefits to offer to the wearer. The lush green and brilliantly striking appearance of emerald and jade put gemstone lovers in a dubious situation of whether to go for an all-time classic emerald or sage appearance Jade. 

A thorough and thought-provoking comparison between extremely popular and gigantic in stature gemstones like emerald and jade should be done by considering various yardsticks to find out which stone can be the right pick for gemstone lovers. On the basis of parameters like origin, color, physical properties, price, popularity, and affordability, we have carved a comprehensive and utterly informative blog post on emerald vs jade that will provide a crystal clear differentiation between these two significant gemstones and help you to pick up the right one considering your requirements.

Emerald vs Jade jewelry

Emerald vs Jade: Origin

The best and the most revered emeralds are typically found in Colombia, Brazil, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Colombia is the world’s largest producer of emeralds, with approximately 70-90% of the world’s total supply of emeralds. In a nutshell, Colombia is miles ahead of other emeralds-producing countries. Other noteworthy producers include Brazil, which is known for its high-quality emeralds, and Zambia and Zimbabwe, which produce emeralds of a dark and lush green color.

Jade, on the other hand, is found in almost all the major locations of the world, including China, Myanmar, Russia, New Zealand, and umpteen Asian countries. The most valuable and sought-after jade comes from Myanmar where it is popularly known as Burmese jade. Chinese jade, also known as nephrite there, is also highly sought after in the international market due to its visually breathtaking appearance, unique color, and translucency.

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Emerald vs Jade: Price Comparison

By leaps and bounds, emeralds are one of the most valuable and expensive gemstones in the world with prices ranging from a few hundred dollars per carat to millions of dollars per carat. The price of emeralds is determined by a number of factors including their origin, color, clarity, cut, and size. The most valuable emeralds are those that are a pure, vivid green color with uniform saturation with no visible inclusions.

Jade, on the other hand, is generally less expensive than emeralds. The price of jade is also determined by the above-stated factors such as color, clarity, origin, treatment, and size, but it is generally more affordable than emeralds due to its abundant supply. However, certain types of jade, such as Burmese jade, can be quite valuable and command high prices in the market. Though they can’t match the per-carat price of emeralds, still Burmese Jade can make some serious dent in your pocket.

Emerald vs Jade ring

Emerald vs Jade: Color

Emeralds are renowned known for their vibrant and scintillating green color which is caused by the presence of chromium and vanadium elements in the stone. The color of the emerald stone changes with the increase or decrease in the concentration of Chromium and Vanadium elements. The most valuable emeralds are those that are a pure, vivid green color with no visible inclusions. However, emeralds can also come in shades of yellow-green, blue-green, and even red. The bluish shade in emeralds can be tolerated but not extremely yellow ones.

Jade, on the other hand, comes in a plethora of colors, including white, green, lavender, and red, green being the predominant one. The most valuable jade is a translucent, emerald-green color, which is known as imperial jade. Other valuable colors of jade include lavender and yellow. Jade can also come in a mottled or marbled pattern, which is known as “jadeite.”

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Emerald vs Jade: Physical Properties

Emeralds are one of the integral variants of beryl mineral with a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale. According to the Mohs scale rating, emerald is the third hardest gemstone in existence. They are not as hard as diamonds, but they are still quite durable and can withstand daily wear. Emeralds also have a par-excellent level of clarity which means that they are relatively free of visible inclusions.

Jade, on the other hand, is a type of metamorphic rock made up of two different minerals: jadeite and nephrite. Jadeite is the rarer and more valuable of the two minerals, with a hardness of 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale. Nephrite is slightly softer, with a hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale. Both types of jade are quite durable and can withstand daily wear.

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Emerald vs Jade: Popularity

Emeralds are highly popular gemstones, and they are often associated with luxury, elegance, and prestige. They are the birthstone for the month of May, and they are also the traditional gift for the 20th and 35th wedding anniversaries. Emeralds have been used in jewelry since ancient times, and they were highly valued by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

One of the main reasons why emeralds are so popular is their stunning green color, which ranges from light green to a deep, rich green. The most valuable emeralds are those that have a deep, vivid green color, with no visible inclusions or blemishes. In addition to their beauty, emeralds are also known for their rarity, which adds to their appeal and value.

Jade, on the other hand, is also a highly popular gemstone, but it is more commonly associated with traditional Chinese culture and aesthetics. Jade has been used in Chinese art and jewelry for thousands of years, and it is highly valued for its beauty, durability, and symbolism. Jade is also considered to be a symbol of good luck, prosperity, and longevity in Chinese culture, which adds to its appeal.

Expand your knowledge through checking:- Buy Emerald

Jade comes in a variety of colors, including green, white, black, yellow, and purple, but green is the most commonly associated color. Green jade is often referred to as "imperial jade," and it is considered to be the most valuable and rarest type of jade. In addition to its beauty and symbolism, jade is also known for its toughness and durability, which makes it a popular choice for carving and sculpture.

Emerald vs Jade jewelry

Emerald vs Jade: Affordability

When it comes to affordability, jade is generally considered to be more affordable than emerald. The price of emeralds can vary vastly depending on factors such as color, clarity, and size, and high-quality emeralds can be very expensive. In fact, emeralds can be among the most expensive gemstones in the world, with some rare specimens selling for millions of dollars.

On the other hand, Jade is generally way more affordable than emeralds, although the price can still vary depending on the quality and type of jade. Imperial jade, for example, can be very expensive due to its rarity and beauty, but other types of jade, such as nephrite jade, can be more affordable.

One reason why jade is more affordable than emerald is that it is a more abundant gemstone. Jade is found in many parts of the world, including China, Russia, Canada, and the United States, while emerald is primarily found in a few select locations, such as Colombia, Zambia, and Brazil. The rarity of emerald, combined with its popularity and demand, makes it a more expensive gemstone.

Another factor that affects the affordability of emerald vs jade is the quality of gemstone. High-quality emeralds with a deep, vivid green color and no inclusions or blemishes can be very expensive, while lower-quality emeralds with visible flaws and lighter color can be more affordable. With jade, the price is also influenced by the quality of the stone, with higher-quality jade being more expensive.

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