Vedic Muhurat is the auspicious time and day on which a gemstone should be worn. Muhurat is a well-believed concept that has been around for centuries.
Before buying a new car or house or establishing a new business, a Vedic Muhurat is being asked from an expert astrologer. Expert astrologers determine the best time for your new venture according to the charts and position of planets. If you start your work at this auspicious time, your work is bound to be positive and grow.
Similarly, activating your gemstones in the Vedic Muhurat under an auspicious time and day will bring you the maximum benefits of Navratans and other gemstones.
Here, we will discuss which gemstones should be worn on which day.
The Muhurat is decided based on a number of factors, such as:
It depends on the position of planets in your birth chart the most. It is recommended that you consult an expert astrologer if you want to get an auspicious Muhrat up to the minute. Otherwise, you can perform the pooja and wear your gemstone on the day we have mentioned below.
But first, let’s discuss these factors one by one.
Gemstone | Ruling Planet | Day to Wear | Nakshatra |
Diamond | Venus | Friday | Bharni, Purvafalguni, Purvashadha |
Ruby | Sun | Sunday | Kritika, Uttrafalguni, Uttrashadha |
Emerald | Mercury | Wednesday | Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revati |
Blue Sapphire | Saturn | Saturday | Pushy, Anuradha, Uttrabhadrapad |
Yellow Sapphire | Jupiter | Thursday | Punvarshu, Vishakha, Purvabhadrapad |
Red Coral | Mars | Tuesday | Mragshira, Chitra, Ghanistha |
Pearl | Moon | Monday | Rohini, Hast, Sharavan |
Hessonite | Rahu | Saturday | Ardra, Swati, Shatbhisha |
Cat’s Eye | Ketu | Tuesday | Ashwin, Magha, Mul |
Wear the Navratan jewelry at the best time to reap the maximum benefits of wearing gemstones. You can wear the gem on the associated day as per the ruling planet of the stone. Wear the Upratans/substitutes in the same way. For example, you must wear Amethyst, the substitute for Blue Sapphire, on a Saturday.
Also, wear them in the correct metal and with the proper method, chanting the specific Mantras to activate and energize your gems.
Gemstones are powerful astrologically significant entities that are believed to have many metaphysical and healing properties. But it is essential to wear them with the correct procedure at the right time. Wearing them in the best Muhurat will activate and link them to you, bringing you their best benefits. Here, we have mentioned which Navratan should be worn on which day and in which Nakshatra. For more details or gemstone consultation, contact us or visit
Why Should You Consult with Gemologists Before Wearing Gemstones?
February 15th, 2025