Blue Sapphire Color: Exploring Color Therapy and Healing

Posted on August 9th, 2023 01:04 PM
Every gemstone is known for its profound color. Colors, in general, lighten the mood, relax the mind and soul, and hold a lot of significance. Gemstones also feature explicit colors, and by using their power, they provide the wearer with mental, emotional, and physical well-being. In Vedic astrology, colors are specific energy influencing the body's chakras. Thus, color therapy and astrology are interlinked. For instance, Neelam, also called blue sapphire in English, is a powerful stone in astrology. It is valued for its healing properties and promotes intuition, mental clarity, and calmness. These healing properties of the gem are due to its striking hue. The color blue sapphire symbolizes a calming effect and inner peace.  This blog explores other potential benefits of blue sapphire color.  

What Color is Sapphire?

Sapphire is a precious gem that comes from the corundum mineral family. The broad spectrum of colors it exhibits includes pink, yellow, peach, green, and more, blue being the most popular one. Titanium and iron are responsible for giving the exclusive blue color. The concentration of trace elements and the specific geological conditions decide the shade of the stone. For instance, the higher the concentration of titanium and iron, the more intense the hue. The effect of color also depends upon its shade. Lighter shades of blue provide a soothing effect and relax your mind. At the same time, darker shades signify wisdom, intelligence, focus, and concentration. Hence, a vivid blue hue with medium tone and high saturation is considered the best color for a blue sapphire.  
Blue Sapphire

Sapphire Color Chart

Analyzing gemstone color charts is essential. If you are a gemstone lover or want to know which hue is perfect for astrological purposes, this chart is a great help. Let's see how it helps to find the ideal Neelam Ratna. 
Hue: Hue refers to the color of the gem. In the case of Neela stone, the primary hue is blue, whereas secondary overtones are violet, blue, and green. The common types of sapphires with unique shades of blue come from different geological origins. For instance, cornflower blue sapphire features a medium to light blue. This color is reminiscent of the cornflower, considered the rarest shade in nature. In Vedic astrology, Royal Blue Sapphire is the most powerful stone, exhibiting deep blue with secondary overtones of violet.
Moreover, it features high clarity that reflects more brilliance. This allows more gemstone energy to interact with the wearer's energy, benefiting individuals with greater healing powers. 

Saturation: It is regarded as the intensity of the color. The color chart ranges from low saturation (light shade) to medium saturation (vibrant shade) to high saturation (deep hue). The saturation level impacts the visual appeal and value of the gem. In the case of Nilam stones, high saturation can lead to a darker blue color, making them look black. Much darker shades are not valued. 

Tone: It refers to the lightness and darkness of the color. Light-toned gems feature a light hue, whereas dark-toned ones have a darker shade. Generally, the medium-tone Nilam Ratna is said to be astrologically perfect. This is because, in astrology, it is believed that energy should uniformly flow within the gem, and medium-toned stones are best for this. 

Grading Chart: The color grading for blue sapphire includes AAAA, AAA, AA, and A grades. These grades are decided based on the gem's hue, saturation, and tone. 

AAAA Grade: These rare gems are considered best for investment. They feature a vivid blue hue, medium tone, and high saturation. AAAA sapphires are exceptional quality and highly sought-after gems with high brilliance. 

AAA Grade: It features a rich blue color with no secondary overtones. These Nilam ratnas are excellent quality and showcase medium tones with good saturation. 

AA Grade: These are good quality stones with a primary hue and a tint of secondary hues. A medium tone and moderate saturation define them. AA Neelam stones are also desirable and affordable. 

A Grade: Blue is still the primary hue, but secondary overtones are also noticeable. Gems feature low tone and saturation. These are budget-friendly options, but they need more shine and clarity. 

The Significance of Blue in Color Therapy

The Significance of Blue in Color Therapy
According to color therapy, blue is associated with calmness, serenity, and mental peace. Its resemblance to the sea's tranquility and the sky's peacefulness shows stability and reliability. Moreover, it is the color of creativity. People in art, music, theatre, and other professions requiring creativity can wear a Neelam ring. Many cultures and traditions have different definitions of this color. For instance, in some cultures, blue represents truth; in others, it signifies dignity and fidelity. Thus, for individuals having conflict in their marriage, wearing Nilam can be helpful. It opens up communication, allowing the couple to resolve issues. Moreover, this stunning gem overcomes breakup stress, allowing one to remain joyful. 

Blue Sapphire Healing Properties

Blue is the color of healing. It connects to the third eye, or Ajana chakra on the forehead, and governs traits such as imagination, spirituality, and intuition. If this chakra is blocked, it results in a lack of creativity and focus, aggression, depression, and loss of wisdom. 
The other blocked chakra symptoms include health-related issues such as headaches, vision, and neurological disorders. Activating these energy centers with chakra stones is the best way to attain mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. The third eye is the blue sapphire chakra, and wearing it aids in relief from stress and anxiety. This stone helps heal you mentally so you can focus more on work and achieve your goals.
Other than this, Neelam Ratna is also associated with the throat chakra. It unblocks this chakra, making you develop good communication skills. You can express yourself and communicate your feelings to your loved ones. Thus, when you express yourself more clearly, you are relieved from mental stress.
Blue sapphire stone, meaning healing, relates to health benefits and emotional stability. This Ratna is thought to offer relief from physical ailments such as headaches, eye-related stress, fever, and more. Other than this, it promotes mental peace and relieves anxiety and stress. Zodiac signs such as Capricorn and Aquarius can wear a natural blue sapphire. Since these Rashis are ruled by Saturn, the ruling planet of Nilam, wearing it as jewelry helps them gain healing properties. 

How to Use Nilam in Color Therapy?

How to Use Nilam in Color Therapy
Chakra Alignment 
You can meditate with this stone or crystal by placing it on your throat to activate the throat chakra, whereas if you want to unblock the Ajana chakra, you can place it on your forehead. Blue sapphire crystal benefits you in many ways. You can also keep it in your workspace or at home. These stones carry vibrational energy that flows down the body, activating the energy points and providing a deep sense of tranquility. 
Wearing a Neelam as Jewelry 
Adorn this blue gemstone as a ring, pendant necklace, or bracelet; the stone's soothing energy circulates throughout the body. In Vedic astrology, Neel mani is related to the planets Saturn or Shani. Wearing a Nilam ring on the middle finger offers you benefits such as wealth, good career prospects, enhanced leadership skills, and more. You can also wear a blue sapphire pendant, as it will help improve your communication skills. The best day and time to wear this Shani stone is Saturday morning during Shukla Paksha. 
The color therapy also works here. It is believed that dark blue and black are the auspicious colors for Saturday, so wearing the gem on this day amplifies its power. After wearing blue sapphire, one can experience positive life changes. It attracts positivity, peace, wealth, and success. Thus, working professionals who want promotion and growth opportunities should wear this gemstone. It is believed that since this Neela Stone is the most powerful, it shows its effect within 2-5 days of wearing. This gem has a lifespan of five years, and after that, it should be replaced with a new one. 
Manifestation with a Purpose 
Individuals allergic to metal and wearing jewelry are not suitable for this; they can manifest with the stone. Hold the gem in the left hand of your palm and manifest for some time. Your intentions should be clear to gain mental peace and serenity. It is important to note that one should only buy a Nilam Ratna from a reputable gem dealer, Navratan. 

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